Car Saturday with Chicago Car Life

Chicago Car Life and I teamed up to knock out two different car shows today. Though the day was long, the sun was hot and bright… we survived by ducking into the shade whenever possible. I feel that the team-up went really well. Make sure to check out Chicago Car Life’s blog post (link posted below) to see how all the picture really came out!!

First, we hit up Fuelfed Coffee and Classics in Winnetka, IL. As with any car shoot I do, I tried to capture different angles to challenge myself. The sun and glare are always a big challenge, also trying to get the least amount of people in the shot can be difficult.

Next up was Geneva Concours D’Elegance 2018. We missed out last year, so we had to make up for it. Below are the shots I took, but please make sure to check out Chicago Car Life’s blog to see all the shots taken!