
Deeva is an up and coming artist from the Chicagoland area. I was introduced to her through Kim who works on dance routines with her. Deeva is working on upping her social media and wanted to do a photoshoot to get some pics in her pocket for when she starts marketing her music.

We did a quick photoshoot in between our busy schedules. As I got to know Deeva more, I was able to hear how she worked with others before. This helpled the two of us have a better understanding of how we could work together.

One of the biggest challenges is not having some sort of chemistry with each other. Being the subject of a photoshoot can be intimidating. I understand that. I try to ensure that the person I’m working with is always comfortable. I like to check in with them often during the shoot to ensure that they are getting what they want and we are able to explore their ideas.

Deeva and I had a great time shooting. I’m excited to hear her new music. In the meantime, here’s her latest video.