
Maternity Pictures | Dom & Sean

“I don’t know if maternity pictures are supposed to be taken seriously or not.” – me to the client.

While researching poses for a maternity shoot, I couldn’t stop wondering if they are suppose to be taken seriously. Now, there are a ton of beautiful and artistic photos out there, but there are far more out there that seemed a little out there to me. I discussed this with Sean and Dom just as we were starting to discuss ideas. After having a laugh over there discussion and never really coming up with an answer, we decided to go with the flow and just see what happens.

I am really glad I had the discussion with them because I feel that it lightened the mood and also allowed us to not have any specific expectations. It led us to having fun and enjoying the moment.

ISO 800

I used a speedlite with an umbrella modifier. Dumped the shot into Lightroom, did adjustments: increased exposure, contrast, shadows, and whites; decreased highlights, and blacks.

I added a vinette and did some light burning and dodging to even out some of the exposure between the two subjects. Dropped photo into Snapseed to add a boarder.

HMU if you knocked up!