Hexie – Redux

Well, my life is random. I decided to revisit this photo I took in late July because I need to submit a photo of myself. I was asked to present a conversation about podcasting with @WeekendGabe in January at House of Vans. We were asked to also demonstrate a podcast for an audience that will be attending.

Now that my semester is over, I will have the next three weeks to work on the presentation. I have started bullet pointing what I want to cover and what talking points we will use during the live podcast. Once the podcast is done, we will upload it to Radio One Chicago as a Live From The Lair segment.

ISO 1,000


With this picture, I decreased the overall exposure, added some contrast, increased the shadows, and reduced the blacks. I also increased the vibrancy to bring out the blues and reds.


I wanted to increase the colors a little more so I added the pop filter and added the vignette. I then added text and a boarder.