About // Contact

I’m a Chicago native who is continually exploring Chicago with my camera in hand.

Once embedded in the Chicago music scene, I still have a love for local musicians and artists. I try to make my way to events to support Chicago artists when I can. Though I’m not a car enthusiast, I can often be found tagging along with Chicago Car Life at different car shows around Chicago, including the Chicago Auto Show. My work with nonprofits generally focuses around housing insecure populations, and equity. 

Connections For The Homeless

Housing Opportunities for Women

Inspiration Corporation

Las Lolitas

Yo Soy Ella


With a background in the worlds of education and social work, my camera sees beyond just the physical. My lens portrays the substance deep within a person and the many ways in which we find the strength within ourselves.

What sets me apart

There is more to taking a photo than being at the right place at the right time. I view photography as a partnership between myself and the subject. I strive to be empathetic and understanding to the needs of the subject. I make sure to be considerate of one’s reservations in front of a lens. Only when you are comfortable can we get the best from the both of us. 

COVID – 19

I am fully vaccinated and wear a mask when needed.

Basic Rates

$150 per hour for individuals (solo, couple, or family portraits)

$200 per hour for events (group gatherings)

Special pricing for Nonprofit Organizations, local artists, and open to collaborations. 

Thank you for visiting my site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me